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dex is a tool to help you execute sets of commands in your project directories. It's written in Go.

BlogDB showcases a collection of blogs from around the internet. I wrote a technical article from idea and design to deploy.
Latest Blog Posts
Building BlogDB
Building an open-source website to showcase blogs from around the internet.
Building Open News Wire
This is the story of how I forked House News Wire and created Open News Wire.
Building House News Wire
This guide walks through creating House News Wire, a simple and open-source message posting app that includes user registration and authentication.
Creating my development environment
To work on projects, I'll need a development environment. This guide walks through building one and making it reproducible with Puppet.
Credential Management In DBIX::Class
Most companies have a method of storing passwords and configuration details in a configuration file. For programmers working on on DBIx::Class, this usually means writing your own functions to load a configuration file and supplying them to connect(). If you're working on something like a web framework, chances are you're writing something similar like Dancer's Plugin::DBIC or Catalyst's Model::DBIC::Schema.
Find a Perl Module's Path
This article covers the standard methods of locating Perl Modules on your system.
Force Download with HTTP Headers
Through the use of the HTTP headers you can force a web browser to download content, instead of displaying it. You could even set the filename differently.
Cookieless Domains
The premise of cookieless domains is that one can speed up an HTTP transaction and the amount of entities downloaded at the same time to increase the rendering.
Understanding Bash History
Understanding how to fully utilize bash's history functions are paramount to being able to quickly recall commands and navigate the terminal. This article focuses on the lesser-known commands built into bash for speed of recalling previous commands.
Understanding Job Control In Bash
Between opening a number of shells and running a screen multiplexer like 'screen' there are many ways people utilize terminals to run multiple commands at once. Bash provides its own built-in way of handling this: Job Control.
Understanding File Descriptors and IO Redirection
The ability to string together data between processes and controlling where it comes from and goes to is ultimately a very large aspect of what makes Linux and Unix systems great. In this article we will take a look at the methods for doing so as well as describe where this data is coming from and going. A solid understanding of redirection and file descriptors is mandatory for any systems administrator or programmer working with a UNIX-like system.
Understanding HTTP Caching
Understanding how HTTP Caching and Content Distribution Networks work.
SSH: Tips And Tricks You Need
SSH is one of the most widely used protocols for connecting to remote shells. While there are numerous SSH clients the most-used still remains OpenSSH's ssh. There is a plethora of tips and tricks that can be used to make your experience better than it already is. Read on to discover some of the best tweaks to your favorite SSH client.
Five Text Processing Tools You Should Know
Easily learn basic text processing from this article that describes how to use simple Shell commands to transform data.